NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Secretary of State Tre Hargett appointed Hamilton County Election Commissioner Secondra Diane Meadows to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Standards Board in compliance with the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA).
The EAC Standards Board provides advice, guidance and support to the commission on the development of Voluntary Voting System Guidelines, a set of specifications and requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards.
“Commissioner Meadows has served the citizens of Hamilton County with integrity and a commitment to accurate results,” Secretary Hargett said. “I am confident she will proudly represent the people of Tennessee on the EAC Standards Board.”
The bipartisan EAC Standards Board was created by HAVA and consists of 55 state election officials and 55 local election officials who are nominated by the Chief State Election Official. Each state is represented by one state election official as well as one local election official, and they must represent different parties. Commissioner Meadows will serve on behalf of local election officials and as the Democratic representative from Tennessee.
“The EAC Standards Board work is very important to all who conduct elections,” said Commissioner Meadows. “I am honored to have been nominated by Secretary Hargett and proud to represent Tennessee.”
Commissioner Meadows, of Chattanooga, was appointed to the Hamilton County Election Commission in 2018, 2019 and 2021. She also serves as the Hamilton County Election Commission Secretary.
“Commissioner Meadows has served the voters of Hamilton County. I know she is committed to increasing voter participation as well as sharing her valuable experience with this national board,” said Rep. Yusuf Hakeem.
“I have no question Commissioner Meadows will represent the people of Hamilton County and Tennessee with the utmost care to election integrity,” said Sen. Todd Gardenhire.
The EAC was established by HAVA in 2002 and is an independent, bipartisan commission charged with developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements. The EAC operates the federal government’s first voting system certification program, maintains the National Mail Voter Registration form as well as many other election related duties.