By Vivian Shipe
KNOXVILLE, TN — Tylan Baker, Sam Beaty, Shania Cherry, Saevyon Cozart, Noah Djenini, Jamia Hackler, Jamya Hackler, Jamya Hollis, Angelina IranKunda, Samya McGhee, Charleston Thomas, and Jaymee Walker.
To paraphrase from the opening lines of Star Trek; these are the scholars of the U.T. Flagship program. Their four year mission: to enter and explore a strange new world, to seek out new experiences, to boldly go where they have never been before.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a flagship carries the commanding admirals: the finest and best the fleet has to offer.

In early November, the University of Tennessee, through its flagship program, recognized the 12 future leaders of Austin -East High School by surprising them with four year full scholarships to the University of Tennessee. It’s the best for the best, from the best.
The Flag Ship Institute offers it’s future scholars a stringent 6 day program in transitioning from high school to college.
Students learn to adapt to college life, attend lectures, participate in interactive activities, and learn from peer to peer networking.
Those who come in through this program will never walk alone in their four year journey. The scholars will be able to check into campus a week earlier than other volunteers and they also will begin having meetings with their Vol Success Teams, all with no worries about the fees or the cost of attending, and no debt up on graduating.
Tammi Campbell, Executive Principal at Austin -East High School proudly posed with her students during the celebration.
An excellent principal, loved by the students and the community, known for her fierce dedication to HER kids, Principal Campbell shared how nothing compares to the love , pride and gratitude of all the staff when their students get to experience opportunities like this.
Experience indeed.
As their new adventure begins, the words of
Captain James T. Kirk as he spoke the last line of the last episode of the original Star Trek come to mind….
“Second star to the left, and straight on till morning.”