By Tiffany Hoyd WASHINGTON — Millions of Americans will gather in front yards, rooftops and residential streets across the nation Monday to catch a glimpse of what will be the first total solar eclipse to pass across the United States in 99 years. The moon will pass between the sun and earth and block all or part of the sun as it cuts a diagonal path across the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina. The eclipse, the first since 1918, will cause total darkness for about two minutes for those in the “path of totality,” the route where the moon…
Author: Howard University News Service
By Darlene Aderoju WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump and ranking Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings finally met Wednesday, and in what apparently was an otherwise cordial conference about lowering prescription drug prices, the Maryland representative said he admonished Trump for his “hurtful,” and “insulting” statements about African-American communities. Cummings said he also used the meeting to tell Trump while he found no evidence of the president’s claim of massive voter fraud, there was certainly a need to investigate and halt voter suppression of African Americans. The two had been at odds after Trump accused Cummings of canceling a scheduled meeting because…
By Monesha Woods Members of the Howard University community are reeling after a protest broke out during the university’s convocation ceremony. This protest comes days after areas of the campus were vandalized following President Trump’s meeting with HBCU Presidents and leaders. Howard University NewVision Reporter Monesha Woods has a look at how the school addressed the controversy at the ceremony.
By Brookie Madison, Howard University News Service WASHINGTON – At Talladega College, a tiny historically black institution 55 miles east of Birmingham, Ala., the president, the administration, the band director and the school’s 230-member marching band are as giddy in anticipation as a 9-year-old a week before Christmas. In this case, however, Santa Claus, in the names of Donald Trump and his supporters and Fox-TV’s Bill O’Reilly and his millions of viewers have already come to town and left the cash-strapped school $670,000 to march in Trump’s inauguration. And now it’s time to go shopping. Visions of new trumpets,…
By Kyra Azore WASHINGTON, D.C. – While a few blocks away thousands of protestors massed for issues like climate change, Russian interference in U.S. politics, civil rights, women’s rights and wealth inequity, hundreds gathered against the frigid wind and rain in DuPont Circle in Northwest Washington as part of the unofficial Donald Trump inauguration activities with the goal to “Make America High Again.” DCMJ, a Washington organization that has promoted and won legislation in the nation’s capital to allow legal marijuana consumption and possession in small quantiles, led the effort under the banner #Trump420. Larry Hartzell Jr., a #Trump420 volunteer, said that…
By Sydney Williams WASHINGTON, D.C. – African Americans, Hispanics, in fact most people of color, were a rarity at President Donald Trump’s inauguration The lack of participation by America’s black and other minority communities was apparent to viewers on television and on the ground. The makeup of the audience, as well as those on the main stage were in stark contrast to the inaugurations of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and even George W. Bush. Those who were there said they attended to express their support for their country, despite their personal convictions about Trump. For example, some black college students…
Occupy Inauguration, a coalition of a number of social activist groups, denounced Trump’s stances on immigration, women’s rights, and ecological preservation. Included in the crowd were The Green Party, Indigenous Peoples of Standing Rock and Veterans for Peace.