By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Tylan Baker, Sam Beaty, Shania Cherry, Saevyon Cozart, Noah Djenini, Jamia Hackler, Jamya Hackler, Jamya Hollis, Angelina IranKunda, Samya McGhee, Charleston Thomas, and Jaymee Walker. To paraphrase from the opening lines of Star Trek; these are the scholars of the U.T. Flagship program. Their four year mission: to enter and explore a strange new world, to seek out new experiences, to boldly go where they have never been before. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a flagship carries the commanding admirals: the finest and best the fleet has to offer. In early November, the University…
Author: Vivian Underwood Shipe
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — It’s Saturday Donations Day. Saturday afternoon you can find Martha LaRue Baker picking up items, directing her army of volunteers, and doing short videos letting the public know what will be needed for Sunday service. After they set up, there is bible study in preparation for the Sunday service. Baker will tell you, this is not the Sunday service in the traditional sense. This is the service of being the hands and feet of God. Everything she gathers through the week and especially on Saturday, is used to serve over 300 homeless. This service…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — They are two passionate men on a mission to make life changing differences in the lives of those in the communities they serve. Dr. Keith Gray, President of U.T. Medical Center, and Reverend Dr. Charles Lomax CEO and president of the Knoxville Area Urban League, are going the extra mile by removing barriers and taking the resources to the people in the greatest areas of need. Joining together, thousands of dollars of free medical care, testing, and hands on training were offered to the east Knoxville community by the Knoxville Area Urban League in…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — When he took the reins of the Knoxville Area Urban League, the honorable Rev. Charles Lomax knew he had been handed a legacy of great works. In his first year as President and CEO, Lomax has proven he is the right man for the job. With a goal of making the organization, started in 1968, once again a well known household name, the President has reintroduced the Urban League. The visionary and his staff have been very busy. Rev. Lomax has implemented many new programs, brought in additional leadership, and, as was the theme…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — They are survivors who see themselves in a different light. Having gone through their own private cancer battle, they have emerged stronger, bolder, and wiser, willing to share their testimony to help others coming behind them. As they came into the offices of CONNECT Ministries, they introduced themselves, Shelley, 22-year survivor, Diane, 11-year survivor, and the unstoppable Lynn Williams, an African American woman whose been cancer-free for thirty years. In 2023, it has been estimated that over 297,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed before the year ends. On average, every 2…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — “The house won’t fall if the bones are good”…these words were part of the stirring remarks made by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Commissioner Marie Williams at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of The Mental Health Association of East Tennessee this past Friday. A powerful and long time advocate with a passion for helping others, Commissioner Williams, LCSW, is a leader in Behavioral Health Services. In her remarks, Commissioner Williams spoke of the strength and dedication of the agency over the last 75 years. Strong agencies that…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — There is a saying, at its best, a legacy can help make life better for those who outlive you. When future Knoxville College Bulldogs enter the new Giffen and Dr. John H. Perry Memorial Gymnasium and Health Fitness Center, that saying will come to life. The impact Dr. Perry had on his family and the community of Knoxville and surrounding counties has left a strong footprint. An Omega man, Perry was married to his wife Joyce for 57 years. In addition to his wife, Dr. Perry had another passion, education and sharing life’s lessons…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — All along the walkway leading up to James Agee Park were giant posters of books banned for public school reading. Books that not so long ago were required reading in school. Pulitzer Prize award winning volumes that have been deemed unacceptable, threatening, or objectional; even books dealing with race and police brutality have been removed from school library shelves and local bookstores around the country. The practice of banning has been going on a long time but in 2022, according to the American Library Association, the number surged by 38 percent. In an effort…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Texas native Sally Vonner is many things; a visionary, a member of Delta Sigma Theta, and as of May 2023 after a nationwide search, she is the newly-elected general secretary/CEO of United Women in Faith for the national office of the United Methodist Church. The appointment of Vonner, only the second African American to lead the organization founded in 1869, is timely and purposeful as the United Methodist Church, like many other religious organizations has experienced splits and declines in membership and is looking to rebuild and grow. Vonner, who was installed on July…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — It was a weekend of multiple outfit changes for many who attended events over the last weekend of summer. The three-day reunion event held by the Austin -East Class of ‘73 included a need for outfits from tailgating to dancing to church and brunch. Following a check presentation to their alma mater, the AE Class of ‘73 kicked everything into high gear with a city wide party at the Concourse. Saturday was a full dance card as along with the city wide events held by AE, there were huge events held by two of…