KNOXVILLE, TN — The 2023 Project Grad Celebration of Stars Scholars Dinner was held at the Knoxville Convention Center on Sunday April 16. Over 100 seniors from Fulton and Austin-East High School were recognized by Project Grad and the Knoxville Education Foundation. During the ceremony, two gentlemen who play a great part in the success of Project Grad were also recognized and honored for their dedication to the next generation of leaders. Dr. Dorian McCoy is the director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. During the…
Author: Vivian Underwood Shipe
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — FIRST is an international robotics community that uses a team-based learning approach to prepare young people ages 4 -18 for the future. Each letter has a meaning: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. Austin- East High School is an official team of this prestigious robotics program and the only African American team from the Knoxville district. The FIRST program uses a mentoring based model designed to inspire young people to be leaders in science and technology through engagement and inspiration. The students develop “out of the box thinking skills” and their confidence…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — They never stopped. Every Thursday for the last three years with the exception of holidays, three women have faithfully meet via zoom from 5pm to 6 pm with faith leaders and subject matter experts from across the country. Being the leaders of three prominent organizations doesn’t deter them. They use a tag team method when their leadership duties calls them away ensuring one of them is always at the helm of one of the most lifesaving information meetings held in the country. From the moment they stepped to the front lines as the founders…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Kathy Mack, Chief Youth Engagement Officer for the YWCA of Tennessee Valley received the Online BSSW Field Instructor of the Year award from the University of Tennessee College of Social Work. The BSSW (Bachelor of Science in Social Work) is a four-year degree program designed to provide knowledge in social work practice and social and human welfare. The online program is designed for transfer students and offers elective classes in much-needed areas such as trauma informed care, crisis prevention, substance abuse, mental illness and suicidology. Scholars applying for this program enter a rigorous program…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — “When the enemy shall come in, like a flood, the Lord shall raise up a standard against him”. These words from Isaiah 59:19, aptly describe Ronni Chandler, Executive Director of Project Grad who is retiring effective June 30th of this year. For over 20 years, she has been the standard used to lead a program that has served over 32,000 center city students from 2001 to 2022. Project Grad, (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams), had a mission: increase the graduation rate of students from Austin-East and Fulton High Schools. Over the last 22 years they…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — March is International Women’s Month. Three of the most fascinating women that contribute greatly to the betterment of humanity live in Knoxville Tennessee. Very respected, brilliant and strong women of integrity, Sparks, Phelps and Halbert are wonderful role models. Brittonya Sparks, nurse practitioner for over 25 years was recently recognized by the State of Tennessee for her work to help eliminate disparities in health. Sparks has been boots on the ground for the last two years, working to ensure as many as possible get vaccinated against COVIS-19. Sparks has been volunteering with the Faith…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — One of the highlights of the Black History month celebrations held in Knoxville was the Black History 101 Mobile Museum. Over 315 original artifacts were on display at the Beck Cultural Exchange Center. The artifacts were part of over ten thousand pieces from the private collection of founder and curator Dr. Khalid el-Hakim. The collection of memorabilia owned by Dr. el-Hakim includes items from the trans-Atlantic slave trade era to the Hip-Hop culture. The traveling museum has another piece of history as the National Executive Director who crisscrosses the country educating people about the…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — The response to the Awards ceremony held at the Bearden Banquet Hall was a hint that next year’s event would need a bigger venue. Voting was done online with the people of Knoxville and Knox County voting for those leaders and nonprofit grassroots organizations they felt were most deserving of recognition. All the names came from the community. Many of the thirty-one nominees like the honorable Mae Blanche Moore, who ran the Crutcher Youth Enrichment Center in the inner city for over 28 years, have served the community for decades; never seeking the limelight,…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — The Oak Ridge Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta held their annual scholarship gala at the Airport Hilton on February 12th. Along with a surprise performance by Reggie Reed, former member of the Temptations, a plated dinner, live band, silent auction and a fun photo booth held the attention of those who filled the ballroom. The gala has been held for several decades and according to Sylvia Rupert program chairman, over 30,000 dollars has been raised over the years for deserving scholarship recipients. The 2023 recipient, Breeharra K. Duff, is a senior at Midway…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — “Today we are collectively focused. Tomorrow we will still care, but we will be distracted UNLESS we intentionally maintain a dual focus on both the 70×24 goal AND the life circumstances of the Class of 2024.” were the words spoken by Ronni Chandler, Executive Director, Project GRAD, Knox Education Foundation, as Knox County announced a bold goal: increase the number of students going to college to 70 percent by 2024. Realizing the goal cannot be done in silos, a unique collaboration of leaders has come together to collectively work on a goal that Chandler…