By Clint Confehr COLUMBIA, TN — The statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on a horse — moved from Memphis —…
Browsing: History
By Ron Wynn NASHVILLE, TN — One of the often overlooked or overshadowed heroes of the Civil Rights Movement was…
REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING, NIPSEY RUSSELL, TONY-BENNETTRE, HARRY-BELAFONTE Tony Bennett, the legendary singer whose smooth vocals and timeless classics captured…
By Dr. Clint C. Wilson, II Department of Journalism– Howard University In 1827 a group of prominent free African American…
By Ronni Smith NASHVILLE, TN — Most people aren’t aware of the history in some of their favorite places. For…
By Tribune Staff FRANKLIN, TN — Brick pavers commemorating U.S. Colored Troops and a Black sailor during the Civil War…
By Clint Confehr COLUMBIA, TN — The exact location for a planned African American museum and cultural center here is…
By Austin Newell NASHVILLE, TN — Beneath a memorial of several stones in the shape of a drinking gourd on…
By Joe Lowry and Trish Gully MEMPHIS, TN — It was the first day of training for the 12 newly hired…
4 Things That Wouldn’t Exist Without Her Leadership It’s been 17 years since her transition! Coretta Scott King was an…