By Vivian Shipe
KNOXVILLE, TN — Gill, Lundy, McKenzie, Parker, and Satterfield. In Knoxville, those are the names of Herstory makers. African American women now at the table in positions of leadership on school board, county commission, and city council.
Knox County Commissioner
March is International Women’s Month. In the United States women are moving up and taking their seat at the table in positions in many cases never before held by women of color. How will they use those positions?
In Knoxville and across the nation, the ages of these leaders, both black and white, now cross generation boundaries that raise questions never before asked. Now that they are at these tables of power, new questions are rising across the land. Will this new group move over and make room for others? Is there a dissassociation between
Knox County Commissioner
the ages and belief systems? Will they be able to influence positive change?
Data collection group Statisa and data from 2014-2018 Census data indicates a majority change as women take the lead. In the country by 2029, the most growth will be in the

Knox County Commissioner
age range of 25-54 especially in women of color.
Women are poised as never before to step up in leadership on every level and make decision changes, control and distribute resources, and shape policy and law: from the board room, in their home town, to the state house, even to the White House.
As they rise up and get behind the proverbial throne room door,
School board member
can they stand? Will they be swayed? Will they share? Will they mentor?
In Knoxville, and all across America, these and other questions will soon be answered as the wave of women leaders continues to rise.