WHITES CREEK, TN — All college students and high school students entering college next fall are encouraged to apply for scholarship monies totaling $100,000 to supplement the cost of tuition, textbooks, housing, meal plans, and other academic expenditures. Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III, senior pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, will present the scholarship awards during College Sunday at Mt. Zion’s Old Hickory Boulevard campus – 7594 Old Hickory Boulevard, Whites Creek, TN 37189 – on Sunday, November 13, 2022, during Mt. Zion’s 11:15 a.m. service that will also feature a musical performance by a surprise Grammy and Billboard Award nominated artist, Gospel Music Association Dove Award winner, and multiple Stellar Award winner. Lunch will be served for all college students immediately following the service.
eaCollege Scholarship Award Requirements:
1. Follow the Mt. Zion College Ministry on Instagram @mtzioncollegeministry
2. Apply for the scholarships at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0cOqIFa-2YQDAST7Gd-KUS5vI__jW7x-dKJpVNvnG0dChyg/viewform
3. Submit a two-minute video to mzcmscholarship@gmail.com. The theme of College Sunday 2022 is “W.A.R.”; therefore, all video presentations should incorporate the theme while describing a difficult time in the students’ life and how they were victorious. Be creative!
The deadline to submit scholarship applications and requirements is Monday, October 24, 2022.
Started in 2005, College Sunday is a highly anticipated worship service the draws college students, organizations, and church groups from around the world to Nashville, TN. This service is designed to witness to, inspire, encourage, and empower the next generation to draw a closer relationship with Christ, discover and pursue their God-given purpose, and continue to strive for excellence in their academics.
Not only does Mt. Zion invest financially into the lives of college students, but in other areas also. Mt. Zion provides free hot meals for all college students and free bus shuttle service for students at Austin Peay State University, Belmont University, Fisk University, Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt University, and Western Kentucky University.
Follow @thenewchristian and @mtzioncollegeministry on Instagram for all College Ministry news and updates.
Follow @josephwalker3 and @mtzionnashville on Instagram for all general news and updates about Mt. Zion Baptist Church.