NASHVILLE, TN –Health advocacy organizations in Tennessee committed to protecting kids from the harmful effects of tobacco products and nicotine addiction call on the legislature to vote no on Senate Bill 1047 and House Bill 705.
The below statement is on behalf of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights and the Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids.“Senate Bill 1047 and House Bill 705 sound promising at first since the legislation says they will add e-cigarettes into Tennessee’s Non-Smokers’ Protection Act. However, when you look closer, they preclude any future laws on e-cigarettes after June 2021.
“These bills would bar local governments from passing local policies to end the sale of flavored tobacco products, increase taxes on e-cigarettes, restrict the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes and licensure laws for tobacco retailers that sell e-cigarettes. Communities would have zero local control over passing laws to protect youth from a potential lifetime addiction to tobacco. Local governments have the right to do what they think is best to protect their citizens.
“As we face skyrocketing youth tobacco use, now is not the time to take steps backward. As health advocacy organizations, we oppose this legislation and call on legislators to vote no. Together we can protect our kids from a lifelong addiction to tobacco products.”