NASHVILLE, TN — What’s at stake in the Mayor’s race is not just whether the city continues its rapid growth but who is best to conduct the city’s business. Since housing is a major issue in Nashville, the Tribune believes that as Mayor, John Cooper will ensure that every district benefits from the city’s growth. We have faith that he will create an environment that includes using neighborhoods as a cornerstone for some of his policies. As Mayor it is our belief that Cooper as he has said, will be actively engaged in setting the agenda for Affordable Housing and see to it that Metro makes it central to every incentive where ever possible.
Cooper has stated that he will facilitate the creation of a ten-year plan to preserve and create a meaningful number of affordable housing units at an appropriate price with measurable results for Nashville’s deserving residents. The Tribune believe this will be one of his critical priorities to develop Affordable housing for our teachers, firemen and policemen. The Tribune sees Cooper as Nashville’s Education Mayor who will ensure that all of Nashvillians benefit from the city’s growth and where students from all neighborhoods have access to high-quality educational experiences. Finally, District 1, 2 and 3 has been historically neglected by this city and we believe John Cooper will be a Mayor that will treat all districts equally. Therefore let it be known that the Tennessee Tribune endorses John Cooper for Mayor of Nashville.