MURFREESBORO, TN — Tickets are now available for one of the most popular annual events of MTSU’s Black History Month.
The 23rd annual Unity Luncheon will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, in the Student Union Ballroom. Civil rights activist James Meredith, the first African-American to attend the University of Mississippi, will be the keynote speaker. His theme will be “Where There is Unity, There is Strength.”
Established in 1996, the Unity Luncheon pays homage to “unsung heroes” in the community — persons 60 years of age or older who have lived in Middle Tennessee for 25 years or more and who have made outstanding contributions to their community. This year’s honorees are:
• MTSU business professor Frank Michello, education;
• Riverdale track coach Rickey Field, excellence in sports;
• Rutherford County Commissioner Chantho Sourinho, advocate for civility;
• Martha Bigsby, community service; and
• Carolyn Lester, contribution to black arts.
Tickets are available online only through Friday, Feb. 1, at and will not be available at the door. Prices are $20 for students and $35 for nonstudents. A table of 10 seats is available for $350.
For more information, contact Daniel Green, director of the Intercultural and Diversity Affairs Center and chairman of the Black History Month Committee, at 615-898-2831 or