NASHVILLE, TN — Join Sizwe Herring and EarthMatters Tennessee on February 18th, 2017 for the start of a comprehensive, 8 week Fundamentals Of Permaculture course and Green Collar Job Training class! Meet with our community for classroom work and speakers at the Indoor Growers World Complex on Trinity Lane and at the mystical and beautiful lands of Shelby Park in East Nashville and Summertown, Tennessee.
Herring, Executive Director of EarthMatters Tennessee, a 25 year old non profit based in East Nashville seeks to educate and inspire through our examples of landscape restoration and succession into abundance using permaculture ethics and principles. “We offer a look into a future that can meet all the needs of humanity and the rest of the community of life by creating a cultivated farm ecology. With “earth care”, “people care”, and “fair share” in our hearts, minds, and all designs we can go forward indefinitely!”
Herring has been a certified permaculture designer and teacher since 1996 with a lifelong fascination for ecology, food systems, composting and urban agriculture. As a child growing up in Detroit, he marveled at the wonders of nature in immersion with it and in small assembled ecosystems created at home. He attended Tuskegee University in Alabama and became a devotee of Dr. George Washington Carver. His Tennessee journey led him to the EcoVillage Training Center at the Farm in Summertown, TN. The ETC was also home to the Global Ecovillage Network headed by internationally acclaimed Albert Bates. Since then Herring founded EarthMatters Tennessee in Nashville, TN where he teaches regular workshops and offers mentorship opportunities. Herring offers clients sound consulting services for improving soil yields and land value through applied ecological design and varying gardening techniques.
What will we cover in the course? Permaculture History, Ethics & Principles, Personal and Urban Garden Design, Edible/Educational Landscaping, Integrated Animal Systems/Aquaponics, Natural Building with Straw and Cob, Food Forests vs Food Desserts and Compost Techniques, Vermiculture & Soil Building
Fees are $700.00, Tuition includes, Playbook, Support Materials and 8 weeks of instruction. Graduates will earn both a Permaculture Class Fundamentals Certification and Green Collar Jobs training award. Both notable additions to any bank loan, job application or resume.
S200.00 discount if balance paid by February 10th. Some work exchange and need based scholarships available. Additional personal expenses may include travel and food for classwork and field trips. More information at
Contact EarthMatters Tennessee c/o Prof. Sizwe Herring at (615) 300-2941or email