Author: Vivian Underwood Shipe

By Vivian ShipePart 1 of a 2 Part Series KNOXVILLE, TN —What must it be like to live through not one, but two pandemics, 34 wars around the world, segregation, winning the right to vote and the turmoil of it all? How does it feel to know what life was like before computers, cell phones, and all the other conveniences we all take for granted? For a full week, volunteers from several organizations sat at the feet of elders in Knoxville and listened to the stories of the lived experiences of men and women who have walked through many of…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — The evening was very special. People had traveled by cars and vans to be present at the 12th annual Distinguished African American Professional and Student Awards (DAPS). The awards were held the first Saturday of December in Knoxville along with the fourth annual African American Hall of Legacy and the H.R. Mills Black Cultural Awards. AHERN Magazine, which is distributed across Tennessee and 15 states, has a mission of reaching outside one community and touching other communities, and during the banquet the magazine recognized several individuals and organizations. Businesses of the Year went to…

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By Vivian Shipe Knoxville TN (TN Tribune) – During the November public forum, citizens of the community presented the city council with a list of concerns and questions surrounding the treatment of the mentally ill, eviction rates, and safety and isolation of the seniors who live at the Residences at Five Points. They have two weeks to come up with the answers by the next council meeting before the concerns are sent to HUD who has asked for additional information. Members of the KCDC board that oversees 26 other properties like the Five Points facility are appointed by the city…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Whether you enter from the front or back entrance, the atmosphere is immediately inviting. Sounds stream down the hall from the record player crooning sounds as only a needle on vinyl can. The hallway features the art work of different local Black artist; this week is George Habib . Stepping around the corner you enter The Tea Room which offers a space to sit, chat, sip tea and coffee with blends named after the streets the business honors. There is a room for training and doing podcasts, and up the stairway lies a room…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — When Bob Thomas, Director of Knox County Schools announced his retirement earlier in the year, it meant a nationwide would soon ensue. It also created a need for a search process to be developed and a timeline to be put in place as the search for the new superintendent begins. Heading the committee for that search is a highly qualified African American woman. Evetty Satterfield, Knox School Board member from District One chairs this most important committee. Satterfield along with two other committee members are charged with developing that process and timeline. A long…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — In a scene that unfolds day after day, reminiscent of a quote attributed to the Queen of France, the elderly at Five Points Residence go without the “food” of companionship, caring, and fellowship while the rest of the city and county are living and thriving. Both Mayors have reopened the city and counties of Knoxville. Football games have over 100,000 in attendance, restaurants and festivals overflow with the sounds of laughter and fun as people come together – glad to be once again in the presence of another human being. Not so at Five…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — “Thank you for coming back.” were the words voiced by Phyllis Y. Nichols, president and CEO of the Knoxville Area Urban League as she stood before the large crowd that covered the ballroom of the Knoxville Convention Center. The occasion was the annual Equal Opportunity Awards Gala known as the city of Knoxville’s official “party with a purpose.” The gala held every year for over 30 years with the exception of the 2020 event which was suspended due to the pandemic; brings together local leaders, friends, and partners in business and community to celebrate…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Brian Brooks Jr. came in the office of Keira Wyatt, Executive Director of C.O.N.N.E.C.T. Ministries office dressed in his scout uniform covered in the hard earned patches of Troop 213. He is working toward Eagle Scout status – something only 6% of boy scouts ever achieve. He had a vision of the service requirement – he wanted to educate and save lives – he wanted to reduce gun violence in the communities – he wanted it to be free…he just needed a sponsor to believe in his vision stand by him . He opened…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — They are coming from across the nation. Alumni. The Bulldogs of Knoxville College. The hill will be alive and kicking as the 145 year old HBCU, Knoxville College kicks off its homecoming festivities on the 21st of October. Four days of activities both on and off campus to include golf , galas, music from the Jubilee Singers, and Greek Performances will fill the air along with DJs and bands. Among the highly anticipated activities is Dads Matter – Cultivating Future Fathers, presented by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. There will be sessions for both youth…

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By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Bring the community together, giving a sense of hope and blessings. That is the charge of Bishop Farris Long as he works to complete a project given to to him; a vision of a work started back in June. Dubbed the Community Block Party, Bishop Long first had to get a buy-in from his neighborhood. The event will be held on his street and with an over whelming yes vote by his neighbors and the city council, the event scheduled for October 23 from 12 till 4 is a go. The goals of the…

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