“On behalf of over 300,000 thousand members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., I congratulation Sen. Kamala

Harris on being selected as running mate for Vice President Joe Biden. This is a great day for our country, a great day African-Africans and for women.
Senator Harris’ selection is a full circle moment for HBCUs and African-American Greek organizations that worked tirelessly to give the black community a voice from the turn of the century, through Jim Crow and the civil rights movement, to present day.
As the president of Tennessee State University, a premiere HBCU, and as International President of AKA, in which Sen. Harris is a member, I am doubly proud of this selection. I also commend Vice President Joe Biden for his insight to bring someone of Sen. Harris’ stature to the ticket. She is intelligent, experienced, charismatic and above all qualified for the job.
African-American women have been the backbone of this country, and now an African-American woman has the opportunity to ascend to the second highest office in the nation. With the opportunity to create polices that will impact us for generations to come. While AKA does not endorse any particular candidate or party, we are extremely proud of Senator Harris.”
Glenda Glover, Ph.D., President, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc
“Congratulations Soror Kamala, the world knows that Black women are the most powerful voting force in America – including Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho
Sorority, Les Gemmes, Inc., The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, The National Council of Negro Women, The Black Women’s Health Imperative, Black Career Women’s Network, The National Black Women’s Justice Institute, SisterLove, Inc., The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, The National Congress of Black Women, The Black Women’s Playwright Group, Black Women’s Blueprint and many, many more.”
Rosetta Miller-Perry, Publisher, Tennessee Tribune newspaper
“Senator Kamala Harris is a phenomenal Black Woman, always an anchor. Her appointment represents the sense of a New America…the nation our ancestors dreamed for us.”
Dr. Forrest E. Harris, Sr., President, American Baptist College
“I am happy that my friend Joe Biden selected Senator Kamala Harris as the future vice prresident of the USA. I look forward to working and voting for the Biden-Harris ticket so we can begin the difficult work of rebuilding American and releasing us from this nightmare presidency. ”
Bill Freeman, Chairman, Freeman Web Company
“I am excited about the appointment of Kamala Harris being the vice presidential choice of the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. This is a beginning, not the end.”
Phyllis Hildreth, J.D., Vice President for Institutional Strategy and Academics
“I am celebrating this Black woman who is running for vice president with Joe Biden. I hope all Black women get behind her and don’t let anybody turn you in a different direction. This is what I marched and protested for all those years. Now, I can see the fruit of my labor.”
Rev. James “Tex” Thomas, Pastor Emeritus, St. James Baptist Church
“Having Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic vice president nominee is a significant step forward for all America. She is strong, approachable, and insightful. She represents a positive change we all need.”
Pastor Howard E. Jones, Jr., Senior Pastor, Fairfield M. B. Church
“The Links, Incorporated congratulates Senator Harris on her selection as the democratic vice presidential nominee for this year’s upcoming election.”
Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, Ph.D., National President
“Senator Harris is truly an exciting choice for the vice president of the United States. Her experience as a prosecutor and a senator make her more than qualified to serve in the second highest office of our country. She is able to connect with diverse groups of people in the country that will help pull us all together and move us forward. She is concerned about the inequities in health care and will push to see more Americans get the care they need. Vice President Harris will help us have a respected place on the world stage again. I am proud to have a Black woman on the ticket. The combination is a winning ticket for the country.”
Sandra Long Weaver, Chair of the Governing Board of Directors of the Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Care Center
“I am excited about the wisdom of former Vice President Joe Biden to select Senator Kamala Harris as his Vice President nominee. She is ready and capable.”
Novella Page, Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc
“It is with great appreciation that I speak of Senator Kamala Harris’s selection as the choice for vice president of Joe Biden. That partnership shows we can disagree and not be disagreeable.”
Dr. Phyllis Qualls, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, American Baptist College
“Congratulations Kamala in making history as our next vice president in the USA. She understands the underserved and will help get this country back on track. Kamala is a fighter and will be accountable for issues involving corruption, women’s rights, and election interference. She is the only person who can take on Donald Trump and Mike Pence on the campaign trail.”
Jackie Hampton, Publisher, Mississippi Link Newspaper
“As the first African American woman to win a county-wide race in the history of Davidson county, I feel this is a feat with regard to projecting the talents and abilities of African American people in general, and African American women in particular.”
Dr. Carolyn Baldwin Tucker, Former Metro Council Member at Large
“I was walking the halls with great anticipation as Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was about to make the announcement for his running mate. I am ecstatically thrilled about Sen. Kamala Harris’s selection. I am sure she will be a fierce competitor, reliable and trustworthy partner, and an excellent example to all HBCU graduates throughout the country.”
Rev. Keaton Walkine, Associate Minister, Community Baptist Church