NASHVILLE, TN — If you noticed a lot of red on your commute Monday. It’s not just those pesky traffic lights. Saint Thomas Midtown, West, and Rutherford hospitals proudly “went red” Monday evening to kick-off a week-long display of red lights. Later this week, they’ll be joined by Nissan Stadium, Ascend Amphitheater, Bridgestone Arena, and others in lighting up for “National Wear Red Day.”
Created 16 years ago by the American Heart Association, the February 7th holiday is a unique opportunity to raise awareness about women’s heart health and fight back against the statistic that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for American women. One shared priority of Saint Thomas Heart and the American Heart Association is ensuring that women have affordable, convenient access to healthcare and the educational information needed to remain heart healthy.
“National Wear Red Day provides a special platform for celebrating the investment of energy and time that our Ascension Saint Thomas and Saint Thomas Heart caregivers make daily as they offer high-quality and highly personalized care to the women of Middle Tennessee,” said Michelle Robertson, Chief Operating and Nursing Officer, Ascension Saint Thomas. “Among our clinicians are many examples of strong female leaders who can uniquely relate to the women whom the American Heart Association works tirelessly to serve and educate.”
Many shared the American Heart Association and Saint Thomas Heart’s conviction to help the women of Middle Tennessee lead heart-healthy lives, by donning a red shirt. Check out this link: For additional information about National Wear Red Day or to interview an Ascension Saint Thomas physician about women’s heart health, email to