By Vivian Shipe
KNOXVILLE, TN — The children and their parents and grandparents began lining up at 6 am for the 21st annual shoes and school supplies give away. The sun began to rise, revealing a line stretching around the park.
Charles Lomax, president/CEO of Knoxville Area Urban League, shared that the event created by the Knoxville Area Urban League over two decades ago, has grown from giving away shoes in their parking lot, to filling nearby Caswell Park to capacity.

In a three hour period, from 9 till noon, thousands of shoes were given away along with tons of school supplies , all donated by area organizations and individuals, many of whom set up and gave away items to all in attendance. There were also vaccinations for COVID-19 and other resources offered.
Children left the event smiling , loaded down with much needed supplies for the coming school year.