By Ashley Benkarski
CLARKSVILLE, TN — Dr. Michael J. Moss was installed as Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church’s second pastor in June, taking the leadership role left vacant since its founder passed away in the summer of 2017.
Pastor Jimmy Terry, Sr. and his wife Servella Broomfield Terry founded the church in 1982. Pastor Terry is survived by his
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wife, who was present for the Installation Service of Pastor Moss.
The Service was attended by church leaders spanning at least three states, with Pastor Dr. Clayborn Lea of California serving as speaker.
“It is with humble submission and honor to be the second pastor of the Tabernacle MBC, following one of the greats of Clarksville, TN, the late Pastor Jimmy Terry, Sr.,” Pastor Moss wrote in an email to the Tribune.
“Having been selected by our Sovereign Lord to the highest calling in God’s economy is truly amazing. There is much joy and delight to serve for God’s purpose with some of the most loving people we’ve ever met. My wife (Trina) and myself are dedicated and devoted to them in doing God’s will on this ‘Holy Hill,’ also known as ‘The Tab on the Hill,’” he continued. “Our desire is to impact communities, cities, and countries by connecting people to God and others through a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Proud son of the late Charles J. Moss, Jr., and Georgia Vinson Moss of Paducah, KY. He accepted Christ as Lord and Savior at age nine while attending Harrison Street Missionary Baptist Church in Paducah under the late Dr. Wardelle Harvey, his biography states.
Pastor Moss also serves as the Dean of the Clarksville School of Religion for the Cumberland River South Kentucky Middle Tennessee Baptist District Association.
He has faithfully served at Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church and Walnut Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Clarksville along with churches in Jacksonville, Fla., where he’s held the positions of Associate Minister, Assistant to Pastor, Christian Education Director, Bible study teacher and maintenance coordinator.
An honor graduate of Baptist College of Florida, Moss received an Associate of Divinity and Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Studies cum laude and magna cum laude. He earned his Master of Divinity from Atlantic Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry from Andersonville Seminary.
He has also recently been conferred an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Honoris Causa from Atlantic Seminary.
Moss is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Air Force and an active member of the Triple Nickels, Elester Garner Chapter of the 555th Parachute Infantry Association of Clarksville.
Moss is the owner of C.M. Heating and Air Conditioning and the first Black HVAC Master Contractor in Paducah and Western KY.
Moss said he and wife Trina are the proud parents of five children and six delightful grandchildren. The First Lady completed her undergraduate work at Tuskegee University and holds a master’s degree from the University of Alabama and has professional backgrounds in clinical social work, fundraising and nonprofit leadership.
Information about Tabernacle can be found on their website,