Author: Rosetta Miller Perry

By Rosetta Miller Perry In a little over a week, the Donald Trump presidency has already revealed itself as one that is going to be reactionary, racist, and bigoted in its domestic and foreign policy. One of the six executive orders Trump issued temporarily restricted entry to the United States from seven nations where Muslims are the majority, and also indefinitely banned Syrian refugees from crossing into the United States. It didn’t take even 24 hours before this idiotic policy began having negative impact worldwide. Refugees and immigrants who had already been vetted and approved to enter the nation now…

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Few elections have ever had a bigger disparity in candidacy fitness and suitability than the upcoming Presidential election. This nation has had eight years of a highly intelligent, level-headed and extremely competent individual leading it towards a more progressive future. Now we have a contest in which one person represents a continuation of policies designed to benefit all people, and in particular those who’ve been historically denied economic opportunities and social justice. By contrast, another one embraces the forces of hatred and bigotry that have sought to keep people in fear and oppression. Hillary Clinton’s qualifications for office are extensive.…

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To the Nashville Community, The Tennessee Tribune, the only African-American statewide audited newspaper, spotlighting positive achievements of citizens, local and national, on November 1, celebrates 25 years of continuous publishing. During the quarter century, we have covered and chronicled the news in Metropolitan Nashville, Memphis, Jackson, Chattanooga and other areas and places of significance to our diverse readership. We have been so fortunate to publish The Tennessee Tribune under the administrations of four distinguished Mayors; Philip Bredesen 1991-1999, Bill Purcell, 1999-2007, Karl Dean, 2007-2015, and Megan Barry, 2015-present. This is historical in the state of Tennessee for an African American…

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