NASHVILLE, TN — Please join the Davidson County Democratic women in honoring Dr. Marisa Richmond on October 18 at 5:30 pm refreshments with the program starting at 6:30 pm. This event will take place at the law offices of Rep. Mike Stewart, 223 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Suite 200 in Nashville.
Dr. Marisa Richmond is a human rights advocate, particularly for women, the transgender community and communities of color. She is a zealous advocate for communities and individuals affected by discrimination and bigotry of any kind. She is President of the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition and served on the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Equality Project & Board of Advisors of National Center for Transgender Equality. She was also a Board member of the Nashville’s Rainbow Community Center. Marisa serves as First Vice Chair of the Metro Human Relations Commission.
Dr. Richmond serves the Democratic party as an advocate as well. She has been a DCDW member for decades and has participated in many TFDW committees and events. Dr. Richmond is also the first trans woman to be elected to public office and the first black trans woman to be elected a delegate to a major party convention from any state in the union. She attended the 2008 & 2012 DNC Conventions and was a podium officer in 2016 where she also served in the Women’s Caucus. Marisa is currently a DNC committee member.