NASHVILLE, TN — TNDP Chair Mary Mancini has condemned Governor Bill Lee for spending $8 million on porous socks made with toxic materials.
“Republicans can’t be trusted to do the right thing anymore. They can’t be trusted to do their job anymore. This is especially true right now as Tennesseans are dying from a dangerous global health crisis with no end in sight. State government has a responsibility to protect its citizens. Governor Bill Lee has completely failed in his responsibility to do so, most recently by awarding an eight million dollar no-bid contract to an out of state company that produced useless porous masks made with toxic materials.
The most vulnerable Tennesseans were hoping to get a little bit of help and protection in this frightening time. Government matters and it matters who leads. Bill Lee can’t be trusted to do the right thing anymore. He can’t be trusted with the job anymore.” – Mary Mancini, TNDP Chair
The Tennessee Democratic Party works to elect Democratic candidates who believe that all Tennesseans deserve a better future no matter who you are, what they look like, where you live, who you love, or how you pray.