Stealing guns from parked vehicles has skyrocketed in Nashville in the past few years. One reason might be a 2014 Tennessee law waiving permits for keeping loaded guns in vehicles. Another is the ease of the crime for any enterprising thief: Wait until everyone is asleep, walk down residential streets, break into cars (some conveniently left unlocked) and steal valuable stuff, especially guns. So as a business model, it’s just a percentage game like door-to-door sales or telemarketing car warranties.
There’s a bonus in this for gun manufacturers: The more guns stolen and presumably in the hands of bad guys, the more good guys are triggered to buy more guns to protect themselves from bad guys who stole guns from them in the first place. A no-brainer would be for gun owners to at least lock car doors at night or, better yet, take their guns inside and store/lock them properly. That way they can save money and maybe even save a life.
Nashville Mayor John Cooper recently joined the bipartisan Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which includes 1,000+ current and former mayors from small towns to big cities across America. One priority is to urge police to trace guns used in crimes to their owners. I support this and any effort that reduces the number of stolen and illegally obtained guns used in crimes.
Don Mooradian
Nashville, TN 37204