By John Cooper
NASHVILLE, TN — Restoring balance to our budget starts with making sure tourism dollars are going to residents, not spending residents’ dollars on tourism and development. Nashville has developed terrible financial habits: from deficit spending, and running up credit card debt, to selling land for short term operating money. Within the last 4 years, revenue has increased over 250 million dollars, but a hundred million dollars of that has gone to interest payments. Only 74 million has gone to education. When interest has replaced education as our number one use of new money, that is when trouble happens.
In order to fund priorities like teacher and first responder pay, transportation needs, and affordable housing, we have to better manage taxpayers’ money. I am uniquely qualified to serve because of my background in finance, real estate development, project management, and four years as an At-Large Councilmember. If you believe that Nashville needs a leader who has the financial knowledge and understanding to lead our city today vote for my policies so that I can become Nashville’s next mayor.