NASHVILLE, TN — The Rev. Dr. Shane B. Scott, D. Ministry, an energetic and dynamic preacher, change agent, coalition builder and community adviser, has been elected as the 21st pastor of Nashville’s historic First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, and will be officially installed on June 1.
“I intend to be here for a long time,’’ Dr. Scott, 45, told the congregation on January 21 when he preached his trial sermon at First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, prior to being elected at the end of that month. “You all will have to put me out if I leave here, and I am going to take you with me.’’
The senior pastor at the historic 600-member Macedonia Baptist Church in Los Angeles, California from October 2011 until being elected to come to First Baptist, Capitol Hill, Dr. Scott was born in Franklin, Louisiana and raised in Richmond, California.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Philosophy from Stillman College, a Master of Divinity degree, with an emphasis in Pastoral Care and Community Development from the American Baptist Seminary of the West (now Berkley School of Theology) and the Doctor of Ministry from New York Theological Seminary.
Scott also holds a certificate in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion from Cornell University.

FBCCH’s pastoral installation weekend for Dr. Scott and his family starts from 5-8 p.m. May 31 with a dessert welcome reception at the Ivy Center of Nashville at 4344 Ashland City Highway.
The Installation Ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. on June 1 at First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, 900 Nelson Merry St. The installation sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson of the Grace Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, New York.
At 10 a.m. on June 2, the guest speaker for FBCCH’s service will be the Rev. Dr. George E. Hurtt of the Mt. Sinai Church in Los Angeles.
The public is invited to all three events.
Scott replaces the Rev. Smith Jr., who announced in January 2023 that he planned to retire from FBCCH at the end of December 2023 after serving as pastor for 13 years.
“The fact that you have made it your mission to build, restore and revitalize lives through Jesus Christ resonates with me,’’ DScott told First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, members in his vision statement for the 158-year-old church. “I firmly that the church is not simply a physical structure but a living, breathing community of believers called to make a transformative impact in the world.
“First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, is uniquely situated to serve as a community hub for the downtown Nashville area, providing services such as tax preparation, expungement clinics, quarterly neighborhood- partnership health days, and it has the space to provide weekly space to non-profits that can operate in areas of the church that are vacant during the week.’’
He added: “Providing such space will help those non-profits contribute to the health and uplift those we serve and can provide income for the church to fund its youth and children’s programs.’’
“Additionally,’’ Scott said, given FBCCH’s illustrious history and continuous to the Nashville community, the church is uniquely situated to qualify for grant funds through local, state and national sources. As a seasoned grant writer who has obtained several grants for churches I have pastored, I know that grant funds will enable the church to create significant ministries that serve its members and the community.
“Further, I am excited about the evolution of Nashville into a world-class city and the opportunities it presents for First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill.’’
Meanwhile, Scott is married to De’Vet Scott, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, whom he calls his best friend. They are the parents of Miss Savannah Grace (15), Miss Lily Simone (13), and Master Shane Bernard II (12), and their labradoodle, Missy (5).
“Dr. Scott stood out from the very beginning,’’ said Kendra Dees, who chaired First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill’s search committee to replace Pastor Smith. “His faith, love and commitment to God and his family were evident from our first conversation. We are excited to welcome Dr. Scott and his family to Nashville.’’
Dees added that the search committee reviewed over 100 resumes and talked to several interested candidates for the role of senior pastor before making a recommendation to the church’s membership.