Applications to help expand Nashville’s urban tree canopy are open through April 30th
NASHVILLE, TN – Root Nashville, the citywide campaign to plant 500,000 trees by 2050, is recruiting Neighborhood Planting Captains to advance local urban forestry efforts in 2025. Citizens can apply to represent Root Nashville and connect their neighbors with free mature trees to enhance their communities. They’ll receive community outreach training, materials for distribution, and hands-on support from Root Nashville’s team of urban forestry professionals; plus, the opportunity to learn how to plant and maintain trees on their own.
This unique grassroots approach to urban forestry has been a part of Root Nashville’s strategy since the campaign’s inception in 2018. It has been recognized as exemplary by the Arbor Day Foundation, the Tennessee Urban Forestry Conference, and other noteworthy institutions in the urban forestry field.
“We can plant as many trees as we want on the street or in parks, but private property is the real way to make a difference when it comes to restoring a city’s tree canopy,” says Jason Sprouls, Urban Forestry Program Manager at the Cumberland River Compact. “Homeowners, businesses, and churches have the power to make a huge impact– but they need to be connected with the resources first. It really helps if they hear about Root Nashville from a trusted member of their own community.”
Trees don’t just beautify our neighborhoods; they also lower urban heat, improve water and air quality, increase property values, and improve public health outcomes. Each planting captain can offer their neighbors up to three free trees per household, creating potential for massive neighborhood-wide benefits. Free trees offered range from large species such as red oak and persimmon to small species like cherry and yellowwood.
The Neighborhood Planting Captain program aims to attract Nashvillians from all neighborhoods– but especially those with less tree canopy– with the promises of no experience necessary, flexible time commitment, and stipends available for Captains in priority areas.
Residents interested in becoming a Neighborhood Planting Captain can learn more and sign up at Applications are open until April 30th for the summer 2025 tree ordering season. The Root Nashville campaign is led collaboratively by the Cumberland River Compact and Metro Nashville.
About Cumberland River Compact: The mission of the Cumberland River Compact is to enhance the health and enjoyment of the Cumberland River and its tributaries through education, collaboration, and action. The Compact serves as the operational partner of the Root Nashville citywide campaign to plant 500,000 trees by 2050.
About Metro Water Services: Metro Water Services provides water, wastewater, and stormwater services to over 250,000 residents. Their mission is to supply, treat, manage, and protect our water resources in a sustainable manner for the benefit of all who live, work, and play in our community.