NASHVILLE, TN — American Baptist College (ABC) and The Tennessee Tribune Showcase signs with some of the names of African American men and women have been killed by police or law enforcement vigilantes.
ABC has posted more approximately 16 signs with the names of African American women and men who have been killed by police or law enforcement vigilantes on the front lawn of the campus. The sign project is a part a project to bring awareness to these murders that will result in change from systemic racism.
American Baptist College President, Dr. Forrest E. Harris, Sr., said it is important to know our history and remember
the names of these individuals who were murdered. “I ask you to remember these times, and research the times of the 60’s Civil Rights Movement, of which American Baptist College played a pivotal role in Nashville. We must understand challenges and obstacles are always with us.”
Harris said it is important to reflect on the many African American females and males whose lives have been brutally and tragically taken from us so that we a moved to challenge the status quo and make a positive difference..
“At ABC, we have posted the names of many of these victims on the front lawn of the campus. As a remembrance we want everyone to know….to see…and to remember to say their names.
George Floyd…Breonna Taylor…Ahmaud Arbery…Daniel Hambrick….Jocques Clemmons…David McAtee…Botham Jean…Philando Castille…Eric Garner…Quanice Hayes…Mike Brown…Sandra Bland…Freddie Gray…Tamir Rice.
The Tennessee Tribune has also posted names of some of the victims in front of its office on historic Jefferson Street. The names are on a 48”x 96” in banner with the names of the cities of where they were killed, listing six names, including Daniel Hambrick and Jocques Clemmons of Nashville.
Tribune Publisher Rosetta Miller-Perry said, “I want people to take pride in themselves, and as they drive past our building, to be encouraged to “Say Their Names.” When they do that they will be encouraged to work for positive change, so that others will not be killed by police and those acting as though they have official authority to shoot and kill African Americans.”
Many believe the George Floyd murder by police in Minneapolis, with similar acts occurring countless times, has turned 8:46 seconds into an international Movement. Say Their Names.
Harris added, “There are more unknown victims, whose tragedies do not meet the public eye. So many incidents are invisible and unheard. We remember them and include each of them in our American Baptist College Circle of Love.”
Pastor Howard E. Jones, Jr. proprietor of Kingdom Café & Grill, also located on historic Jefferson Street, plans to place a sign in front of his establishment as well. “Sometimes we have to have visible images to move us to action to change things for the good of all humankind. The shootings of our brothers and sisters, must end and it is up to us to stop it,” said Jones.