Part II of a II Part Series
Last week I wrote about “Why We Should Vote,” and gave a historical perspective. Now I am stating “We MUST Vote,” no matter what.
Voting in the 2008 presidential election resulted in the election of the first African-American President of the United States. Comedian Dick Gregory posed the question, some years back, would white folks vote for a Black man for president? They did and he won.
Furthermore, African Americans were emotionally charged and voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama and he was re-elected and served two full terms. The results reveal, we must vote.
Many voted because they wanted to be a part of the experience of putting an African American man in the White House as President of the United States. The voters ranged from the age of 18 to 100 years-plus.
I submit to you that every election should have this kind of emotional commitment, whether federal, state or local. Consider if you will, your child’s teacher. That teacher is chosen, in some way, because of voting. For example:
• The School Board members are elected
• The School Board selects the director of schools
• The director of schools selects the principals and assistant principals and assigns them to designated schools
• The principals and assistant principals select the teachers
• Your child is in the classroom of a teacher who holds that position in part because of your vote, or lack thereof.
Therefore, if you are concerned about your child’s school, teachers, principals and assistant principals, you must vote.
Moreover, if you have concerns about pot holes, sidewalks, street lights and public transportation in your neighborhood and community, then you must vote. While local politics impact us directly and more quickly, all politics affect our lives. The United States Supreme Court, whose justices are appointed by elected officials, has upheld legislation that has impacted our lives, such as Brown vs. Board of Education and many other legislative decisions.
As a parent, I took my children to the polls with me to vote. In the privacy of the voting booth, I explained why I was choosing a particular candidate. That action planted the seed that they had a civic duty to vote.
We each have our own thoughts on candidates. Not voting is allowing some candidates you do not support to win. Talk is just that, talk. Be involved because we must vote!