NASHVILLE, TN — The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) will open the application process for organizations to participate in this year’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) on Thursday, February 1, 2018.
The goal of SFSP is to ensure that children 18 and younger who benefit from free and reduced meals during the school year continue to have that same access to nutritious meals during the summer.
The application process is designed to seek out organizations, government entities, schools, religious entities, and non-profit residential camps who are interested in sponsoring the program and serving meals to children in their communities.
“Partnerships are essential to the success of the Summer Food Service Program.” said TDHS Commissioner Danielle W. Barnes. “Our sponsors help us build thriving communities by providing food to children who need it. Building a thriving Tennessee starts with ensuring that children are getting the nutrition that they need throughout the year, especially during the summer months.”
In addition to children of school age, adults 19 and older with a mental or physical disability are eligible to receive meals if they participate in a school program established for individuals with disabilities during the prior school year.
Applications will be accepted until May 1, 2018. If your organization is interested in becoming an SFSP sponsor or becoming a feeding site under an existing sponsor, please contact the TDHS by e-mail at
For more information on the Summer Food Service Program, please visit: