Franklin, TN (TN Tribune)–The African Heritage Society of Williamson County will be hosting its 6th Annual T. E. Murdic Scholarship Prom on Saturday, July 17, 2021, at Embassy Suites, 820 Crescent Centre Dr. Franklin, TN. at 6:00 p.m. The scholarship prom is the main fundraiser for the Tom E. Murdic Educational Scholarship, which was created in March 2015 by the African American Heritage Society to honor and support a high school senior in the Williamson County community in the form of a $1,000 educational scholarship toward their college education. Realizing the importance of quality education and appreciating how far African Americans have come in the education arena, the desire of the board of directors of AAHS is to give back to the youth in the community with this effort. The scholarship is named in honor of board member, community leader, and Franklin native, Thomas Murdic, who was a leader and AAHS board president for many years and who left a great legacy. In addition to monetary support to an individual each year, AAHS’s hope is that the scholarship will provide an opportunity to educate youth in the community on African American History in Franklin and Williamson County and hopefully get them involved and interested in the rich history here. The application process for the years 2
021-2022 will be open October 1, 2021, and will be due by March 1, 2022. The organization was pleased to see some previous scholarship winners as well as current recipients of the scholarship volunteering at the Juneteenth Celebration on June 19th at Pinkerton Park, where they witnessed a memorable event in the unveiling of the Juneteenth marker.
Shelby and Lori Mitchell are the reigning Mr. & Mrs. AAHS of the African American Heritage Society. Since no event was held last year and no contest this year due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, the couples fundraising portion of the event is eliminated this year. It will resume next year and married couples who are interested in running for 2022 should contact aahsvolunteer1tn@gmail.com. Many thanks to all of the couples who have raised money for the scholarship program over the years. The money they raised along with donations from sponsors and the community, enabled AAHS to award $1,000 scholarships to four high school seniors this year: The organization is pleased to announce this year’s winners: Marvin Brown, Brentwood High, Kennedy Mea
dors, Brentwood High, Emma Steele, Page High and Xavier Shaw, Battle Ground Academy. A total of $28,000 has been awarded to students since 2015 and AAHS extends its gratitude to all those who contributed.
This year AAHS will sponsor a best-dressed contest as was part of this year’s virtual Black-Tie Event. It was a fun addition and the participants dressed up at home for a virtual event! There will be a prize awarded to the best-dressed couple, the best-dressed single female and the best-dressed single male.
AAHS will accept six couples and three single male and three single female entries. Contact aahsvolunteer1tn@gmail.com in advance of the event (by Thurs. July 15th) in order to be listed as
a contestant that night. The first six in the couples category and the first three in each single category will be accepted.
The community can contribute to this year’s effort by sponsoring, attending the event, and making donations. Donations and proceeds from the scholarship event will go directly to the Tom Murdic Educational Scholarship Fund and is tax-deductible. AAHS thanks the sponsors thus far for this year’s event and for contributing to next year’s scholarships success! Currently, event sponsors are: Buerger, Moseley, and Carson, Middle Tenn. Electric, Atmos Energy, and BrandMETTLE. Media sponsors are: Williamson Herald, Your Williamson Magazine. The Tennessean, Southern Exposure Magazine, Franklin/Brentwood Home Page, The Tennessee Tribune, PLA Media, and WAKM Radio.
“Prom Night 2021” is a great opportunity for couples and individuals to get together for a night of food, fun, music, and dancing while contributing to a good and worthy cause. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a social hour and cash bar. The prom will begin at 7:00 p.m. The cost to attend is $50.00 per ticket or $300.00 for a table of 6. AAHS is a 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax-deductible. Checks should be made payable to the: African American Heritage Society, mail to P. O. Box 1053, Franklin, TN. 37065. Tickets may be purchased online at mclemorehouse.com. or contact Paulette Johnson at 615-243-7751 for tickets and ticket information and/or if you would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund.