NASHVILLE, TN — The Ladies Aid Society of Pleasant Green Baptist Church recently hosted its Annual Prayer Brunch in the church fellowship hall. The theme for the occasion was “Seeking Prayerful Solutions for Peace and Harmony in our Communities.”
The speaker was Former First Lady Eleanor Graves of the Temple Church. Special music was provided by Mrs. Janice Thomas of Pleasant Green and Ms. Kimberly Fleming of the Bobby Jones Singers.
Shirley Allenm, Brunch Chair
Eleanor Graves, Guest Speaker
Kim Fleming, Guest Soloist, Bobby Jones Singers and former backup singer for Wynonna Judd and Amy Grant.
l-r; Eleanor Graves, Edith Kimbrough and Coreen Jackson
l-r; Darlene Cropper and Rev. Christopher Jackson
l-r; Michaelangelo Mccallister, Henrietta Mccallister and Carmen Mccallister
l-r; Janice Dozier and Sonia English-Shaw
l-r; Dorothy Jarrett and Lena Prince
l-r; Carmelia Tate and Nicole Hendrix
l-r; Sheldon Thomas, Mary Price and Janice Thomas
l-r; Avis Woodard and Arthur Thompson
Eric Simmons
l-r; Loyce Thompson, Clarence Goldon and Anita Hill
l-r; Karen Johnson, Leslie Burns, Sharon Griffin and Valley Griffen