Greetings Public Servants,
Thank you to those who finally spoke out against Travis’ rant. It’s essential to address such behavior on the spot expeditiously!!!
However, I’ve noticed that some of you have casually attacked diversity. Before doing so, consider the demographics of your constituents and ensure there’s nothing questionable about your own place of residence.
There have been incidents where highly qualified Black women veterans, one with a doctorate and one with a graduate degree, were not even granted interviews for a high-paying job (Neighborhood and Community Director). Initially, the position was open to all qualified applicants but was quickly reposted as an internal job for a Clarksville native.
Comparing the education of department heads to their subordinates reveals that upward mobility is easier for some and much more challenging for others. Diversity does not lower any standards it simply widens the lens.
I’d like to know when a Black person was hired over Travis, how many times Travis has been the only white person on a job, and why Travis, who was arrested for public intoxication, believes he is superior. His constituents deserve better.
Nepotism has nothing on diversity hires. It must be nice to have a popular last name and be born in the right zip code!