Nashville Chapter President, Velicia “Lisa” Horton; Chapter VP, Dr. Angela Southwell VP Elect, Dr. Katherine Brown, VP Dr. Angela Southwell, President Velcia Horton, President Elect, Courtney Woods President Horton and Immediate Past Regional Director Latrecia Jordan joined by members of the Jack and Jill Nashville Associate group President Velicia “Lisa” Horton Jack and Jill Nashville chapter members and Associates Mom Eleanor Sheffield and President Elect Courtney Woods Jack and Jill Nashville Moms Jack and Jill Moms VP Dr. Angela Southwell, Corresponding Secretary, Kyndra Dove, Financial Secretary Toni Fitzgerald Moms Alisha Shoates James, Yolanda Brooks Robinson, Lora Manson Moms April Knox, Tiffany Degrafinreid, LaToya Smith Immediate Past Regional Director Latrecia Jordan