By Janice Malone
NASHVILLE, TN — It’s not too late to get those holiday gifts. We’ve listed some really cool items below that will last all the way into the New Year.
CAROL’S VIBRATIONS — ( More and more people are exploring the wonders of hemp infused products. Nashville naturalist product entrepreneur Carol Batey-Prunty of Carol’s Vibration, has several
hemp-based items for the skin and even for the doggies. Pictured are two of her latest items (Heated Muscie Rub with Hemp and the Peanut Butter & Hemp Dog Treats), that are proving to be popular among customers. The dog treats are made with Peanut Butter, Sweet Potatoes & Hemp. “Many of my hemp products are good for skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. And the dog treats are good snack for dogs who are hyper,” says Carol.
POSIE TURNER SOCKS — ( Each pair of Posie Turner socks are stitched with an inspirational message like “ALL IN,” “I AM BRAVE,” and “LIFE IS A GIFT.” Posie Turner socks are the perfect way to say ‘I care about you.’ When you share the gift of good words, you’re honoring the magic you see in others and inspiring them to step. Posie Turner Socks are a Step Up. Their Inspirational message is stitched into every left foot. They’re woven in Peru, designed in Seattle. Available in women’s and Men’s collections.
EGG WEIGHTS — ( Egg Weights are ergonomically designed hand weights that increase the intensity of any workout without restricting your natural movement. They are different from regular dumbbells, that get bigger and bulkier with increased weight, because Egg Weights are made from dense metals to keep the weights small like an egg from 1 to 5 pounds. Egg Weights are also palm centered, not side, top or wrist heavy. Having the weight centered and balanced in the palm of the hand is ground breaking and so important for proper arm drive, running form, and core engagement. If you are looking to enhance your sports performance or get the most out of your cardio workouts check out these little powerful weights. Even top celebrities are adding Egg Weights to their workouts including: Wiz Khalifa, Sly Stallone, Mario Lopez, Adriana Lima, Chris Hemsworth, and many more.
SWEAT-O-PAUSE SCARVES — ( Women experiencing hot flashes can be even more uncomfortable even while at work. Now there is a new way for women who are experiencing perimenopause symptoms to stay extra cool. Sweat-o-pause is an innovative and fashionable cooling scarf that helps women keep cool without anyone knowing they’re using it! Wear it as a scarf, a headband, tie it on your wrist or just carry it with you so you’re ready the next time Sweat-o-pause uses its patented. When the fabric is wet with sweat or water, its cooling magic can begin. This super comfortable, stretchy fabric cools 30% below your skin temperature – like a delightful blast of air conditioning right when you need it most. Sweat-o-pause neck scarves come in 12 stylish prints and 2 solid colors. Get Sweat-o-pause wet with water and wave it around to start cooling or just start sweating! This hyper-evaporative, chemical-free cooling technology won’t wash out, no matter how often you wash it, because t’s woven right into the fabric, and it’s made in the USA.
RejuvadermMD — ( This is a lightweight, portable microdermabrasion device that you can throw in your travel bag and get spa quality results, even when you’re on the road. Smoother, softer, more radiant skin is just 5 minutes away with the RejuvadermMD portable microdermabrasion device. I’ve used it several times at home and while traveling. It’s lightweight for traveling and it works! My skin felt smooth, and really helped when it was time to apply makeup. This lightweight and portable glow-getter uses a high-tech combo of diamond exfoliation and gentle suction to buff away dead skin cells, revealing the radiant, glowing skin that sits just below the surface. RejuvadermMD safely and effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines, age spots, sun damage, and mild scarring at a fraction of the cost of in-office treatments! Safe for all skin types including sensitive skin.