NASHVILLE, TN — KEVA Inc will be having its 4th Annual No Child Home Alone for Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday, December 16, 2023. The Extravaganza will start at 10 am and last until all the gifts are distributed.
The Extravaganza will occur at Jefferson Street Baptist Church, at 2708 Jefferson Street, in Nashville.
This is the 3rd year in a row that we will be in partnership with Jefferson Street Baptist, under the leadership of Pastor Aaron Marable.
“Jefferson Street Baptist Church has historically been a light and strong support in the African American community,” per Reverend Venita Lewis, Executive Director of KEVA Inc., and Innovator of this annual Extravaganza.
Last year’s Extravaganza gave away 5,000 gifts to children whose parents had been killed by senseless violence or who are incarcerated. This year’s goal is to distribute MORE than 5,000 gifts. Therefore, we need your support.
“Our goal is to continue this annual event, to provide gifts for the under-privileged children in our community,” states Reverend Lewis.
The children will also have the opportunity to take photos with Santa. There will be a special appearance of Happy Gappy Clown.
The purpose is to support children who may otherwise not have gifts for the holiday season.
Your support of this Extravaganza minimizes crime because children no longer feel compelled to steal, in order to have gifts.
According to reports from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), two specific types of crime increase in December: robbery and personal larceny. These two crimes increase by approximately 20 percent during the last month of every year.
KEVA Inc. seeks to reduce or eliminate this increase in crime, in Nashville, despite the fact that the African-American community is still reeling from the impact of the 2020 tornado, gentrification and Covid 19.
Furthermore, Zip Code 37208 incarcerates more African American males than any other zip code in the entire United States.
“KEVA Inc. receives countless requests, daily, for assistance with utilities, rent, and mortgages. We are keenly aware that many families simply do not have the funds to purchase gifts for their children during the holidays,” explains Reverend Lewis.
Crime is an ever-growing problem in our community due to the lack of other viable options for financial support of self and family.
These compelling facts clearly support the need to assist and provide support for the children, per Reverend Lewis.
Your support is needed in two (2) areas:
First, attend the Extravaganza. Support the children with your presence.
Second, make a monetary donation. Checks should be made payable to KEVA Inc., then mailed to KEVA Inc., 1106 Ed Temple Blvd, Suite 204, Nashville, TN 37208. You may also cash app your generous donation to $kevainc.
If you prefer to give non-monetary gifts for the children, these can be dropped off at Jefferson Street Baptist Church, located at 2708 Jefferson Street, ahead of the Extravaganza. The church’s phone number is 615-329-2990. Please call to make certain that the church’s office is open and staffed, before you arrive.
If you do choose to bring non-monetary gifts, rather than make a monetary donation, we ask that you please do not wrap the gifts, so that KEVA volunteers can see and assess the appropriateness of a specific gift for a given child.
Should you have questions and/or want to volunteer to support this and KEVA Inc.’s other worthy endeavors, please call KEVA Inc. at 615-237-1110.