Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of my icons and I will remember her always through – Anne Frank who once said “I want to go on living after my death! And that’s why I’m so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and to express all that’s inside me!” – Rosetta Miller-Perry, Publisher/Author, Tennessee Tribune Newspaper.
“RBG was the greatest. What a life. She was a fighter. Her calm, thoughtful, informed approach to every decision she made from the bench was an inspiration to us all. I hope and pray the president and Senator McConnell respect the last request of this American patriot: ‘My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.’” – U.S. Congressman Jim Cooper 5th Congressional District of Tennessee
“We are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a towering jurist and an empowering figure for the most vulnerable. She was a kind and gentle soul who never shied away from a fight for what’s right. The country was fortunate to have Ruth Bader Ginsburg for as long as we did. Her contributions made the United States a more just and equitable place. Today we lost the best of America. But it’s not just the nation that is forever changed by her service and her commitment to uphold our Constitution and the progress it demands. Everyday we see women stepping up to stand on her shoulders and continue her fight. We honor her legacy, we are grateful for her work, and we are fortunate to watch the impact her life has had, and will have, on future generations. L’Shana Tovah, Justice Ginsberg, and may God rest your soul.” -Mary Mancini, Chair, Tennessee Democratic Party
President, Tennessee State University
“The TSU family is deeply saddened by the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. If ever there was a crusader for justice, she was that, and more. Early on in her legal profession, Justice Ginsburg helped to reshape history as a staunch advocate for equal protection and opportunity for women under the constitution. She was at the forefront of crafting policies into laws that moved our country forward. Even as she battled cancer, she fought to the end, with unwavering faith in our democracy and its ideals. Justice Ginsburg consistently delivered votes on the most divisive social issues, including voting rights, health care, and affirmative action. And it is in that same spirit of perseverance, equality and justice, that we will continue her legacy. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. There will never be another like her.”– Dr. Glenda Glover President, Tennessee State University

“Because of Justice Ginsburg, our landscape of legal protection now includes protection from punishment for being pregnant in the workplace; protection from the financial tyranny of a husband over his wife; protection from governmental favoritism in loans or financial assistance for men over women; protection of equal representation among their peers for men and women in jury trials. She was a staunch advocate for the protection of equality writ large, not just the author of the jurisprudence of women’s rights in the 20th century, though she was that, too. It is up to us to carry her mantle forward, championing equality for all Americans, come what may, to redeem her faith in our system of laws. That was her cause, and it must continue to be ours.”
Nick Leonardo- Former District 1 Councilman and General Sessions Judge

“Justice Ginsburg was nominated by President Bill Clinton on to be a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nominated by President Bill Clinton on June 14, 1993, she served since August 10, 1993, until her passing. Battling cancer, she continued to fight that terrible disease, just as she fought for the rights of all people.”

We lost a giant in the world of justice with the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. From a young age, she championed the fight for fairness. While starting her legal career as a young wife and mother, she was told that she was taking the spot that should have been given to a male student. Despite those challenges, she rose to the highest court in the land. She served almost 10,000 days as a Supreme Court justice, and every day was productive and focused on meeting the needs of our country. Hers was a remarkable journey and one that benefitted us all. Her last wish was that she be replaced by a new president, understanding fully that such a decision would be vital to maintaining the balance of the Supreme Court, the balance of our country and even the balance of the entire world. May God bless Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her tireless efforts to make the world a fairer place.–Bill Freeman, Freeman Web

“When I heard the news that RBG passed, I was sick. She was a trooper, a fighter, and a fair individual. Though always poised and soft-spoken, she was a fierce fighter for justice.”

“When I learned of the passing of Justice Ginsberg, I was terribly saddened. She was a trailblazer for women and all people. Her passing should put a drive in our spirits to vote in this upcoming election.”
“Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a lady, a leader and a woman of courage. Her drive to fight for justice was clear in all of her legal and personal activities. She will be greatly missed.”
“Justice Ginsberg was a strong and valiant woman. She was a model, particularly for women, to persevere for justice, no matter what.”