By Vivian Shipe
KNOXVILLE, TN — “We serve God by serving the community”. That has been the vision statement of Creekside Dental for over a decade.
Located directly off the Interstate in the 640 North building, the Knoxville dental office has a divine directive to live up to their vision statement. Creekside Dental is one of the few African American Dental Services in Knoxville.
To speak to the husband and wife team who own the business, is to hear a story of testimonies, passions, and dedication that flows all thru the office. The building space set empty until Doctor Kent Melbourne ; looking for a place to locate his practice, and after driving by the property for nine months and seeing the marquee empty; met the building owner when walking into the lobby the very first time he walked in the door. The business grew room by room until today it has a suite of offices on the 2nd floor of the building.

Holding down the business side is his partner in life and business; his very competent and confident wife Jayma. Mrs. Melbourne deals with the massive maze of insurance that comes with the medical field and is a strong community advocate. Doctor Melbourne has a gift for being able to treat children and those with intellectual disabilities. The reputation of the clinic for treating these patients as a priority and Melbourne’s patience and ability to treat these patients has resulted in patients brought to him from all over Tennessee and from emergency rooms. In addition to their busy practice, the Melbourne’s participate in a free health clinic each summer and give thousands of dollars of dental work for free in the inner city.
Doctor Melbourne also spends one day a week serving prisoners at the prison and one day a week at Children’s Hospital doing emergency surgeries.
The Melbourne’s relate a story about his aunt who told him early in his practice that he was doing God’s work. Remembering the words of his elder, and in keeping with their strong faith, the Melbourne’s have created a strong threefold cord and have created a successful business and a stellar reputation through out the Knoxville Community as one of the best dentist in the area.
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He’s the Best!!!