By Logan Langlois
NASHVILLE, TN — The Miracle House of God Non-Denominational Church hosted a Pastor’s Installation and Appreciation for Prophetess Venita D. Lewis, Pastor, on July 13 at the Fairfield Baptist Church in Goodlettsville. Miracle House of God founder and described Anointed Prophetess Venita D. Lewis said that she was both excited and humbled to be installed and celebrated last Saturday. Lewis said the church’s establishment came after she had been ignoring a feeling of being called on by her faith to work as a pastor and prophetess. Now, she said she can no longer ignore this call.
“I had convinced myself that I didn’t have to preach because as long as I was doing for the people and helping the people out, that God was pleased with me,” Lewis said. “So, I had pushed the ministry down in my belly.”
Pastor Howard Jones officiated the day, and included fellow Pastor Enoch Fuzz of Corinthian Baptist Church, Reverend Dr. Edith Winters Kimbrough of First Baptist Church Capitol Hill, Dr. Chris Jackson, Pastor of Pleasant Green Baptist Church, and Bishop Minnie Mitchell of New Life Thru Christ Ministries. Lewis said the day began with her welcoming guests, then continued with scripture and engaged in prayer while bringing on the day’s guest speakers.
She said regular services at Miracle House will be in the Hadley Park Gymnasium from 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. with their typical schedule consisting largely of preaching, prayer, and scripture. Lewis said where services at Miracle House may differ from that of a typical church will be later in the gathering, when she will be prophesying over those who volunteer themselves and whom she feels God is reaching out to through her.
Lewis said she has been “anointed” by God to act as a prophet as well as a pastor, the two of which serve different functions at Miracle House. She said a pastor is someone who recites and speaks from the study of scripture while being a prophet is an anointing that God gives to people which not every pastor possesses.
“When I was young my mama used to say, ‘You were born with a veil over your face.’ I don’t know what that is, but I just know I could see stuff and I could tell people things. I don’t even have to know them,” Lewis said. “I used to have visions and dreams and stuff would just happen. So, that’s a prophet. It’s a gift from God.”
Lewis said while she took time away from ministry to engage in her civil rights activism, she would still be asked by people around Nashville to begin preaching again. She said that she is establishing Miracle House as a church that reaches out to many of the underserved and marginalized populations around Nashville, including youth impacted by the juvenile system, those impacted or who may have taken part in gang activity, or those who may have suffered struggles with substance abuse. She said Miracle House will welcome people of every ethnicity and walk of life.
Lewis said Miracle House is still developing a website and social media for residents to follow. She said anyone curious about the church is welcome to call Miracle House’s public phone number (615-505-3003) or email them at Lewis said Miracle House is also accepting CashApp donations through the church’s account $miraclesinthehouse.
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