Gov. Bill Lee Photo by AP
NASHVILLE, TN – Tennessee AFL-CIO President Billy Dycus issued the following statement in response to Governor Bill Lee’s State of the State address.
“Overtly partisan and pandering directly to the most extreme factions of the Republican supermajority, Governor Bill Lee’s State of the State Address failed to touch on any of the real crises facing Tennessee’s working families. With hardly any mention of the still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a lack of good-paying jobs, or Tennessee’s ranking at the bottom of multiple lists, it was nearly impossible to recognize the version of our state that Governor Lee referenced in his remarks.
The use of the phrase ‘Working People USA’ in the nearly-hour long address was an interesting choice of words for a governor who has made it abundantly clear that his administration is pro-business and anti-worker. Throughout his first three years in office, Governor Lee has shown total disregard for working families or those who do not share his same political persuasions. A true state leader should represent Tennesseans of all political stripes, not just those who agree with him. We, too, are hopeful that one day Tennessee can reach its full potential but consistently talking about an idealized version of our state and ignoring the real problems is making it harder to get there.”    
The Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council represents over 60,000 working men and women throughout the state.